I can't believe my little baby Ellie is already one. It seems like just yesterday that we were bringing her home from the hospital and adjusting to everything that comes with having a brand new baby. And now she's her own little person, learning new stuff and growing up more and more every day. I sound like such a parent.
And to my little Ellie,
You bring so much to our little family. Sometimes lots crazy mealtimes and I refuse to go to sleep nap times, but mostly lots of happy, being together with family times. And I LOVE happy, being together with family times. It's also great to watch you cheer people up wherever we go, when you smile and wave, or just sit there and look cute. You are such a blessing, and we can't imagine life without you.
I know Ellie can't read yet, but give her another year or so...or whenever.
Yeah for parties!
Thanks to all the fam for coming.
Thanks to all the fam for coming.
Happy Birthday Ellie! Has it really been a whole year? So fun!!!
Happy Birthday Ellie!
Where the heck do you find Cherry Chip cake mix anymore?! It's my fav and I haven't found it in stores for years...
Bashas is one of the few stores. And they actually have both! My mom used to have to go to one store for the frosting and another for the cake.
Mmmm... cupcakes... ahhhhh.
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