Day 7 The train, the subway & another date
On Thursday we rode the train to Boston and then took the Subway to the Boston Common for lunch, sight seeing and shopping. Ellie even got a free book from Brattle's Bookstore. The worker called it the "young reader's discount". Then we were back on the train and home to our cottage just in time to drop of the kids for date night number two. This time pizza (Joe's) and ice cream cones (jumbo ones), after getting lost and aimlessly driving around Maine. Nothing like surfing, but still a nice getaway.

But we folded up our dollar bills and pushed them down our numbered parking spot, as instructed. Apparently there were getting a brand new system, (a debit machine) the next day.

Day 8 The museum
We looked at fish, picked up star fish, colored pictures and played at the playground.

Day 9
One last stop at Granddad's and aunt Pam's, and then off to the airport. We had a layover in Minneapolis. The flight there, very long and squirmy. At one point Chase got a hand full of the lady's hair in front of us. I made a mental note to laugh it off if the baby in the seat behind me ever gets a hold of my hair, because this lady definitely did not. And it's always best to just be friendly. She was lucky enough to get on our next flight as well, but not seated anywhere near us. Her and her mane would have been safe though, because Chase slept the rest of the way home.
What a great trip. So many fun memories. I just didn't think I could do it justice with out going through all it. And now when my memory fails me, I'll have this to look back on.
Thanks Nana and Grandpa. And Granddad, don't be surprised if you see us again soon.